Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AG's Soapbox Episode 3 - Taxes

I am what is known as "fiscally conservative." Which basically means that I like smaller government which means less government spending. This would then mean that taxes would be lowered. I think taxes are nearly worthless in today's world. Most households can't afford the taxes that exist today. The government is teaching people that it is okay to be lazy by paying for things that people "can't afford" when the government has been in debt since World War II and can't afford half of what it pays for.

I know what it is like to not have money. My family has been in severe debt for many years. But we have never turned to the government for help. We keep trying our hardest to get ourselves out of this debt. But with today's administration, I fear that we will not withstand this much longer at all. My mother already has to pay well over 40% of her $52,000 a year salary to Uncle Sam and dad has to pay just around 40% of his $45,000. With the bills that we have to pay, which include but are not limited to, mortgage, animals, food, luxury, and credit cards, we are in trouble of not being afford to actually live. Which should not be the case. If my parents got more of their salaries a year, we would have a lot easier time to get out of this debt of ours.

President Obama has set forth this health care system, which on paper, looks fantastic. And if you are wealthy and not in debt, it works. This is where the democratic party is hypocritical. They claim to be for the little people, when it is quite obvious that most of their stances on taxes and health care make it impossible for the middle class and lower to actually exist. It is still less expensive than that of Hilary Clinton's proposal, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous to the people who don't have a lot of extra money laying around.

Mr. Obama has claimed that this health care system would not be paid for through taxes. If you really believe that, then you need to do your research and be less ignorant. You need to ask yourself, "where will this money come from?" As I stated above, the United States is trillions of dollars in debt and has been since World War II. Former President Clinton lied when he said we were in a surplus, and any work we had at going into the black in his administration was leftover from the late former President Reagan (A fiscal conservative). We actually owe a ton of money to China. So, with a country that has had no money for sixty some odd years and owes a lot of money to other countries, where would the government get the money to pay for this new health care system? The answer is simple, taxes. President Obama is just like every politician out there, he will lie to get what he wants. He doesn't have to worry about the downfall of the poor people, because he will never be that person.

As it stands, Uncle Sam attacks you when you least expect it. Let's take for example the very popular television show The Price is Right. Did you know that most of those prizes have to be sold in order to pay the taxes on them? No, most people don't get that. When someone wins a BRAND NEW CAR on that show, they will owe about HALF of what it is worth in order to actually keep it. It is known as a "prize tax." So, you win a grand prize anywhere, be it The Price is Right or at a casino, anything worth over $600 HAS to be paid into taxes. Almost everyone ends up selling their BRAND NEW CAR that they won on national television because they can't actually afford the taxes on it. I find this absolutely ridiculous, the liberal side of the government makes it impossible to have a private life of any kind. At least when you have a socialistic point of view.

Now, I do understand that there are a lot of benefits to socialism. On paper, it looks amazing, almost a Utopian society. However, Utopia is not attainable. There is always the issue of the human in every form of government. Which makes every form of government flawed, which is why you need to roll with the punches and go with what makes sense at each point in time.

My personal belief is that the government should only pay for the following:
  • Police
  • Fire fighters
  • Army
  • Boarder Control
  • Roads
  • Basic transporation
  • TEMPORARY homeless shelters/safe havens for victims of abuse
That is pretty much it. I also waver back and forth on the last one. Those can actually be self funded, but because of my advocacy against domestic violence, that can be thrown in there to make sure there is a safe place for those people to go.

I also think it's ridiculous for the State of Minnesota (more specifically the city of Minneapolis) to pay for the Target field when Baseball is a multi-million dollar a year industry. They should be paying for it themselves and leave the tax payers alone. I think the new stadium is fine and (as a Twins fan) exciting, but why should they not have to pay a dime as an industry and pay their players, on average, $3 MILLION dollars a year. Why not take away some of that money from each player and pay for the new stadium?

Just another soapbox of me trying to get stuff off of my chest. Argue any point you wish to, as long as you stay respectful I will respond and we can have an adult debate.

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