Sunday, July 12, 2009

AG's Soapbox Episode 2 -- Ignorant Customers

Everyday upon my arrival at work, there is some dumbass complaining
about how we "treat" our dogs. "Why are they in cages?" "Why don't they
have beds?" "You never give them attention!"

Well bull too all of those. People don't see everything...they see
about 15 minutes (if that) out of an entire day at the Pet Center.

Now, here's my rebuttal on those three points.

"Why are they in cages?"

Where else are we supposed to put them? In fish tanks? Even if we tied
them up on leashes people would complain we are mistreating them. And
what most non-dog owners or dog owners that only have outside dogs
don't know is that crate training is the best way to potty train a
puppy. Where they are in a crate or in a room for most of their
puppyhood...and no I didn't learn that at work...I learned that from my
Golden Retriever book AND any source I looked at on the internet when I
was getting ready for Cosmo. The crate should honestly be only big
enough for the puppy to stand up and turn around. When you are home you
can let the puppy run around, but when you are not home or in bed, the
puppy should be in the crate. Look it up if you don't believe me. And
they aren't in the crates all the Sunday morning Bailey and
I let the dogs, ALL the dogs, run around before we opened the
store...she played with them while I did dog papers. Other than that,
we do let them run around the store on their own free will...but the
issue with that is we have to watch them so they don't run out of the
store, or so someone doesn't steal the if it's busy, yeah they
don't get to run around.

"Why don't they have beds?"

Because anytime we give them a bed they poop on the bed and then people
complain about THAT. "You need to take better care of the dogs they are
sitting in poop!" So if there is nothing for them to poop on, the poop
will a lot of times fall through the grate so they aren't sitting in
dog poop. And no, they are not really "uncomfortable." What people fail
to realize is that dogs are animals...just like humans are
animals...but humans have conditioned themselves to make it so they
can't be comfortable unless they are in a 5,000 dollar bed and 1,000
thread count sheets. Dogs on the other hand are still in tuned to their
wild instincts and can be comfortable as long as they can sleep without
worrying about an enemy attacking. Dakota, my dog, was given beds
beyond beds in his 13 years of life...we bought EXPENSIVE beds and he
still prefers the cement (old room) or tile (linoleum in Breezy).

"You never give them any attention!"

Apparently, you have never seen me clean dog papers...I make it a game
with them a lot of the time. I play and I talk to them and I pet them
and I kiss them. When our dogs have colds and I am the one doing the
neb list (treatments for colds or for loose stools) I cuddle with them
and I make them feel safe. Bailey and Amber also pay attention to
them...I know they do...we three LOVE animals. Now I haven't met Meggan
(she just started) and not sure where Tena stands on all of this
stuff...but I know we all pay attention to them. For crying out loud
both Amber and Bailey fell in love with dogs enough they brought them
home forever...Tena and I have both wanted to...I love that
Pom/Bichon...(yes the girl who HATES little dogs loves a dog that
probably won't get much above 10 pounds).

So, yeah...I am tired of the ignorance of people. Actually think before speaking please...thanks!

(Note: I wrote this one on February 26th 2009)

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